
Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy (PT) for kids and teens is provided who have been injured or who have movement problems from an Illness, Disease or Disability. After an Injury, Physical Therapists work to Decrease Pain, Improve Movement and help Kids return to Daily Activities. It teaches kids exercises designed to help them regain strength and range of motion and also shows kids and families how to prevent future injuries.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) helps children who have Physical, Sensory or Cognitive Problems. Of can help them to achieve developmental Millstone and to become independent in all areas of their lives. Occupational Therapists help with barriers that affect a child's Emotional, Social and Physical needs by using everyday Activities, Exercises and Other Therapies. OT helps Kids Play, Improves Their School Performance and Aids Their Daily Activities. It also boosts their self - esteem and sense of accomplishment.

Occupational Therapy
Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis

Autism Spectrum Disorders can cause difficulties for your child with Social Communication and Behaviour. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) program can help you understand and address how vour child's behaviour is affected by his or her environment, whether physically or socially. It also helps close the gap between your child's current level of functioning and that of his or her typical peer group, developmentally speaking. ABA Intervention target developmental skills within the center, home and your child's School. ABA techniques that geared to increasing skills such as Expressive Language, Receptive Language, Toilet Training, Feeding / Food Acceptance, Self - Help, Play and Leisure, Social, Pre - Academic / Academic, Ready - to - Learn Behaviours etc.

Sensory Integration Therapy

It aims to help kids with sensory processing issues (which some people may refer to as "Sensory Integration Disorder") by exposing them to sensory Stimulation in a Structured, Repetitive Way. The theory behind it is that over time, the brain will adapt and allow kids to process and react to sensations more efficiently.

Sensory Integration Therapy
Speech Language Therapy

Speech Language Therapy

Speech - Language pathologies offer treatment programs specifically designed to treat all aspects of communication, from your child's first words to the ability to socialize and interact with peers.

Psychological Counseling and Evaluation

Incorporates a brief - therapeutic model with an emphasis on developmental counseling. Creates developmental programming to increase healthy lifestyle and coping behaviors. Comprehensive assessments are provided to Children, Adolescents and Adults for Autism Learning Disorders, ADHD, Intellectual and Achievement Functioning Memory Problems Cognitive Problem.

Psychological Counseling and Evaluation

Developmental and Psychological Screening and Assessments

Other Services

Feeding Therapy
Feeding Therapy
Hand Therapy
Hand Therapy
Remedial Education
Remedial Education
Group Therapy
Group Therapy
Parent Education
Parent Education